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Article summary:

1. On the 10th anniversary of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, a celebration was held in Königstein im Taunus.

2. Many of the original founding members have since left the party due to its increasing xenophobia and Islamophobia.

3. At the celebration, current AfD leaders denied any radicalization of the party and claimed that it is their opponents who are inventing this narrative.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in terms of providing an accurate description of events at the AfD's 10th anniversary celebration in Königstein im Taunus. It provides a detailed account of what happened at the event, including quotes from speakers and attendees, as well as background information about some of the founding members who have since left the party.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, it does not provide any counterarguments or perspectives from those who disagree with AfD's views or policies. Additionally, it does not explore any potential risks associated with AfD's increasing xenophobia and Islamophobia, nor does it present both sides equally when discussing whether or not there has been a radicalization within the party. Furthermore, some of its claims are unsupported by evidence; for example, when discussing why some founding members have left AfD, it states that they did so due to "personal injuries and vanity," but does not provide any evidence to support this claim.

In conclusion, while this article is generally reliable in terms of providing an accurate description of events at AfD's 10th anniversary celebration in Königstein im Taunus, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering its trustworthiness and reliability.