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Article summary:

1. Increasing demand and production of pomegranate has led to a large amount of by-products that might be used in ruminant feeding.

2. Two in vitro experiments were conducted to test the effects of pomegranate oil and tannins, alone or in combination, on the biohydrogenation process and ruminal responses to by-products rich in CLnA (pomegranate seeds), tannins (pomegranate peels and pulp) or both bioactive components (whole pomegranate by-product).

3. Results from both trials support that pomegranate tannins and CLnA played different roles in modulating ruminal FA composition, with tannins favouring the accumulation of potentially health-promoting FA present in dietary lipids, while trans-11 18:1 would mainly derive from the biohydrogenation of CLnA isomers.

Article analysis:

This article provides an overview of two experiments conducted to test the effects of pomegranate oil and tannins, alone or in combination, on the biohydrogenation process and ruminal responses to by-products rich in CLnA (pomegranate seeds), tannins (pomegranate peels and pulp) or both bioactive components (whole pomegranate by-product). The results from both trials support that pomegranate tannins and CLnA played different roles in modulating ruminal FA composition.

The article is generally reliable as it provides detailed information about the experiments conducted as well as their results. The authors have also provided a thorough discussion about their findings which helps readers understand their implications better. Furthermore, they have also provided references for further reading which adds credibility to their claims.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For instance, the authors do not provide any information about possible risks associated with consuming these products or any counterarguments against their findings. Additionally, they do not discuss any other potential benefits associated with consuming these products apart from increasing potentially health promoting fatty acids which could lead to a one sided view of this topic.