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The Purpose of Technology
Source: balajis.com
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Article summary:

1. The proximate purpose of technology is to reduce scarcity, while the ultimate purpose is to eliminate mortality.

2. Life extension is a feasible goal today and has been demonstrated in mammals.

3. Technological progressives need to take it upon themselves to write about technological progress as a duty in order to educate the public and inspire the next generation.

Article analysis:

The article provides an interesting perspective on the purpose of technology, suggesting that its ultimate goal is to eliminate mortality. The author provides evidence for this claim by citing examples of how technology has reduced scarcity, such as Google making information free and WhatsApp making communication free. The author also cites evidence that life extension is possible today, providing links and photographs as proof.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, the author does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally; instead, they make a strong case for their argument without considering any opposing views or evidence. Additionally, there is a lack of evidence for some of the claims made in the article; for example, while it is suggested that life extension is feasible today, no concrete evidence or research studies are provided to back up this claim. Furthermore, there is a promotional element to the article; while it does provide an interesting perspective on technology’s purpose, it also encourages readers to “evangelize” technological progress and “take time out of [their] busy days” to do so. Finally, there is no mention of potential risks associated with life extension or other technologies mentioned in the article; thus readers may not be aware of any potential dangers associated with these technologies before pursuing them further.