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Article summary:

1. Local authorities have two main pots of discretionary funding to help people with their housing costs and other essentials: discretionary housing payments and the Household Support Fund.

2. During the pandemic, additional discretionary funds were announced with short timescales for spending, creating a challenge for local authorities to quickly identify eligible local people in need of help and get support to them in the most effective way.

3. Local authorities can make more effective use of DHPs by ensuring they are accessible to people most in need in their area, providing information about the process for reviewing decisions, and using data sources individually or combining them to target individual support.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable as it provides detailed information on how local authorities can use discretionary housing payments and the Household Support Fund to assist families at risk of homelessness during a cost of living crisis. The article also provides useful advice on how local authorities can make more effective use of DHPs by ensuring they are accessible to those most in need, providing information about the process for reviewing decisions, and using data sources individually or combining them to target individual support.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the article does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally when discussing how local authorities can use discretionary funds to prevent homelessness. Additionally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with using these funds or any evidence provided for the claims made throughout the article. Furthermore, there is a lack of detail regarding how exactly these funds should be used in order to be most effective at preventing homelessness.

In conclusion, while this article provides useful information on how local authorities can use discretionary funds to prevent homelessness during a cost of living crisis, it could benefit from exploring counterarguments and presenting both sides equally as well as providing evidence for its claims and detailing possible risks associated with using these funds.