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Article summary:

1. QOL is a multidimensional concept that includes people's physical, psychological, social belonging, and living environment. Air quality plays an important role in measuring people's QOL.

2. This study explores the correlation between the subjective evaluation of air quality and residents' QOL using two-dimensional research perspectives: health utility of QOL and experienced utility of QOL.

3. The study uses data from China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) 2018 and finds a significant positive relationship between air quality satisfaction and QOL, as well as other explanatory variables significantly correlated with QOL.

Article analysis:


其次,该研究使用了CHARLS 2018数据作为样本,但并未考虑到样本选择偏差和抽样误差等问题。此外,该研究也没有控制其他潜在变量对结果的影响,如社会经济地位、文化背景、职业等因素。


