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Article summary:

1. CAPTCHAs provide a terrible user experience and have been widely discussed.

2. Cloudflare has reduced the number of CAPTCHAs they serve by 91% over the past year using an iterative platform approach.

3. Alternatives to CAPTCHA have been tried, but none have seen widespread adoption like CAPTCHA. Cloudflare has developed Managed Challenge as a smarter solution than CAPTCHA which adapts the challenge outcome to the individual visitor/browser.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting of the facts surrounding Cloudflare's decision to reduce their use of CAPTCHAs and replace them with Managed Challenge. The article provides evidence for its claims, such as quotes from the creator of CAPTCHA lamenting its creation, statistics on how many CAPTCHAs are served by Cloudflare, and details on how Managed Challenge works. The article also acknowledges that there are alternatives to CAPTCHA that have been tried but not adopted widely, which is an important point to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of Managed Challenge.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, it does not explore any counterarguments or potential risks associated with using Managed Challenge instead of CAPTCHAs, nor does it present both sides equally in terms of their advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, while it acknowledges that other alternatives to CAPTCHA exist, it does not provide any evidence or analysis as to why these alternatives have not seen widespread adoption like CAPTCHA has. This could lead readers to assume that Managed Challenge is superior without considering other options or potential drawbacks associated with it.