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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the ductility and detailing requirements of bearing wall buildings in order to make them more resistant to earthquakes.

2. It references 19 sources, including reports from the Applied Technology Council, American Concrete Institute, and Earthquake Engineering Research Institute.

3. The article examines the structural characteristics and damage statistics of buildings in Chile following the 1985 earthquake, as well as seismic drift of reinforced concrete structures and ambient vibration tests of buildings in Santiago and Viña Del Mar.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its referencing of 19 sources from reputable organizations such as the Applied Technology Council, American Concrete Institute, and Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. The article also provides detailed information on the structural characteristics and damage statistics of buildings in Chile following the 1985 earthquake, as well as seismic drift of reinforced concrete structures and ambient vibration tests of buildings in Santiago and Viña Del Mar.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, some sources may be outdated or incomplete due to their age (e.g., ATC-03-06: Tentative Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for Buildings was published in 1978). Additionally, some claims may be unsupported or one-sided due to a lack of evidence or counterarguments presented (e.g., no mention is made of any possible risks associated with bearing wall buildings). Furthermore, there is a lack of exploration into alternative solutions or approaches that could be used to improve earthquake resistance in bearing wall buildings (e.g., no mention is made of other materials that could be used instead of reinforced concrete). Finally, it should also be noted that some sources may have promotional content or partiality (e.g., Uniform Building Code was published by Int. Conference of Building officials).