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Language tour | Dart
Source: dart.dev
May be slightly imbalanced

Article summary:

1. This article provides an overview of the Dart language, including important concepts, built-in types, functions, operators, control flow statements, classes, generics, libraries and visibility, asynchrony support, generators, callable classes, isolates, typedefs, metadata and comments.

2. The article also explains how to use each major Dart feature with the assumption that readers already know how to program in another language.

3. It also provides a briefer introduction to the language on the language samples page and more details about core libraries on the library tour page.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides an overview of the Dart language in a comprehensive manner. It covers all major features of the language such as variables and operators to classes and libraries. The article also provides links to other resources such as the language samples page for a briefer introduction to the language and library tour page for more details about core libraries.

However, there are some potential biases in the article which could be addressed by providing more information or exploring counterarguments. For example, while discussing variables and operators it only mentions their uses without exploring any risks associated with them or possible counterarguments that could be made against them. Additionally, while discussing classes it does not mention any potential risks associated with using class members or implementing libraries which should be noted for readers who are new to programming in Dart.

In conclusion, this article is generally reliable but could benefit from providing more information about potential risks associated with certain features of Dart or exploring counterarguments against them.