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How to Get an ATM Installed in Your Business
Source: liebermancompanies.com
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Article summary:

1. There are two ways to get an ATM installed in your business: buying one or taking advantage of a free, full-service placement program.

2. Buying an ATM machine for your business has benefits such as receiving 100% of the ATM surcharge revenue and deciding on the placement within your business, but also requires funds for purchase, cash flow for stocking, and time for maintenance.

3. Free ATM placement programs handle all upfront costs, service, maintenance, and cash flow for the ATM while still allowing the business owner to receive a portion of the surcharge revenue. Qualifying businesses include hotels, tattoo shops, cannabis dispensaries, amusement parks, hair and nail salons, bars and restaurants, convenience stores, hospitals, condo and apartment buildings, liquor stores, casinos and bingo halls, and public venues with high foot traffic.

Article analysis:

The article titled "How to Get an ATM Installed in Your Business" provides useful information for business owners who are considering installing an ATM machine. However, the article appears to be promotional in nature and lacks a critical analysis of the potential risks and drawbacks associated with owning or placing an ATM.

The article presents two options for getting an ATM installed in a business: buying an ATM machine or taking advantage of a free full-service placement program. While both options have their benefits, the article fails to mention the potential risks and drawbacks associated with owning or placing an ATM.

For example, owning an ATM machine requires significant upfront costs, ongoing maintenance, and cash flow management. The article briefly mentions these considerations but does not provide any detailed analysis or advice on how to manage them effectively.

Similarly, while free full-service placement programs may seem like a great option for businesses that do not want to take on the responsibilities of owning an ATM, there may be hidden costs or restrictions associated with these programs that are not mentioned in the article.

Additionally, the article appears to be biased towards Lieberman Companies as it repeatedly promotes their services throughout the text. While Lieberman Companies may be a reputable provider of ATM machines and services, it is important for readers to consider other options and do their own research before making a decision.

Overall, while the article provides some useful information for business owners considering installing an ATM machine, it lacks critical analysis and presents a one-sided view of the potential benefits without adequately addressing the risks and drawbacks. Readers should approach this information with caution and conduct their own research before making any decisions.