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Roadmap - Scaled Agile Framework
Source: scaledagileframework.com
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Article summary:

1. Roadmaps are a visual tool that assists in the development and communication of planned deliverables, milestones, and investments over time.

2. SAFe defines three types of roadmaps: PI roadmap, solution roadmap, and portfolio roadmap.

3. Milestones are an essential element of roadmaps as they mark specific progress points on the development timeline and are critical for understanding and monitoring product evolution and risk.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Roadmap - Scaled Agile Framework" provides an overview of roadmaps and their importance in the development and communication of planned deliverables, milestones, and investments over time. The article discusses three types of roadmaps defined in SAFe: PI roadmap, Solution roadmap, and Portfolio roadmap. It also highlights the importance of milestones in marking specific progress points on the development timeline.

The article presents a balanced view of the benefits and challenges associated with roadmapping. It acknowledges that while roadmaps are essential for steering significant initiatives, preparing for releases, addressing strategic concerns, and aligning stakeholders, they can also create queues if commitments are too long-term. The article suggests that flexible roadmaps focused on high-value items can help reduce queue lengths.

However, the article has some potential biases and missing points of consideration. Firstly, it assumes that Agile planning is fundamental to Agile without acknowledging that some organizations may not follow this approach. Secondly, it does not explore counterarguments to its claim that longer-term predictability decreases agility. Some organizations may argue that longer-term predictability helps them plan better and respond more effectively to market changes.

Additionally, the article does not provide evidence for its claim that stage gate milestones generally do not reduce risk. While this may be true in some cases, there may be situations where stage gate milestones are necessary to ensure compliance or manage risks effectively.

The article also has some promotional content as it promotes SAFe's approach to roadmapping without acknowledging other frameworks or approaches that organizations may use.

Overall, while the article provides a useful overview of roadmapping in SAFe, it could benefit from exploring different perspectives and providing more evidence for its claims.