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Article summary:

1. This article reviews recent laboratory studies on improving coal permeability by using chemical stimulation methods.

2. The interfering factors on efficiency of coal permeability enhancement are analyzed based on the current laboratory researches.

3. The synergic treatment of chemical and physical stimulation is proposed as a prospective research.

Article analysis:

This article provides a comprehensive review of laboratory studies on enhancing coal seam permeability via chemical stimulation, and presents an analysis of the interfering factors that affect the efficiency of this process. The article is well-structured and provides a clear overview of the topic, making it easy to understand for readers with some knowledge in this field. However, there are some potential biases and unsupported claims that should be noted.

First, the article does not provide any evidence to support its claims about the effectiveness of chemical stimulation techniques in improving coal permeability. While it does mention some laboratory studies that have been conducted in this area, it does not provide any data or results from these studies to back up its assertions about their efficacy. This could lead to readers forming an overly optimistic view of these techniques without having all the facts at hand.

Second, while the article mentions some potential risks associated with chemical stimulation techniques (e.g., formation of precipitation and in-situ stress), it does not explore these risks in detail or discuss possible ways to mitigate them. This could lead readers to underestimate the potential dangers associated with these techniques and make decisions without fully understanding all the implications involved.

Finally, while the article proposes a synergic treatment of chemical and physical stimulation as a prospective research topic, it does not provide any details about how such a treatment might work or what benefits it might bring. Without more information about this proposed approach, readers may be unable to properly evaluate its potential usefulness or drawbacks compared to other approaches discussed in the article.

In conclusion, while this article provides an informative overview of laboratory studies on enhancing coal seam permeability via chemical stimulation, there are some potential biases and unsupported claims that should be noted before taking its conclusions at face value.