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Article summary:

1. This article discusses the effects of biochar on the migration and accumulation of lead and cadmium in soil-plant systems.

2. It provides HTML code for websites that support embedding HTML code.

3. The article does not provide any further information about the effects of biochar on lead and cadmium migration and accumulation.

Article analysis:

The trustworthiness and reliability of this article is questionable due to its lack of evidence or research to back up its claims. The article does not provide any further information about the effects of biochar on lead and cadmium migration and accumulation, which makes it difficult to assess the accuracy of its claims. Additionally, there is no discussion of potential risks associated with using biochar, nor is there an exploration of counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the topic. Furthermore, the article only provides HTML code for websites that support embedding HTML code, which suggests that it may be promotional in nature rather than providing a balanced view on the subject matter. In conclusion, this article lacks evidence to support its claims and fails to present both sides equally, making it unreliable as a source of information about biochar's effects on lead and cadmium migration and accumulation.