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Article summary:

1. This article presents a system-level modeling method for an array of piezoelectric energy harvesters (PEHs) under typical ambient vibration sources.

2. The proposed method is validated using equivalent circuit method, equivalent impedance method and experiment results.

3. Design suggestions for PEHs under different types of vibration sources are presented.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the system-level modeling and design method of an array of piezoelectric energy harvesters under typical ambient vibration sources. The authors have provided detailed information on the various methods used to validate the proposed model, such as equivalent circuit method, equivalent impedance method and experiment results. Furthermore, the authors have also provided design suggestions for PEHs under different types of vibration sources which can be useful for practitioners in this field.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, the authors have not discussed any possible risks associated with using this model or any counterarguments that could be raised against it. Additionally, there is no mention of any promotional content or partiality in the article which could lead to one-sided reporting or unsupported claims being made by the authors. Furthermore, there is no evidence provided to support some of the claims made in the article which could lead to missing points of consideration or unexplored counterarguments being overlooked by readers.

In conclusion, while this article provides a comprehensive overview of system-level modeling and design methods for an array of piezoelectric energy harvesters under typical ambient vibration sources, there are some potential biases that should be noted before relying on its conclusions.