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Article summary:

1. Big companies are no longer a guarantee of job security, so now is the perfect time to join a startup.

2. Startups offer more financial incentives than public companies, such as meaningful equity in the company.

3. Joining a startup can provide an opportunity for career growth and development, as well as training for becoming a founder.

Article analysis:

The article “Why 2023 should be your year to finally join a startup” by Kadir Barry is written from the perspective of someone who has already made the decision to join a startup and is trying to convince others to do the same. The article does not present any counterarguments or explore any potential risks associated with joining a startup, which could lead readers to make an uninformed decision based on incomplete information. Additionally, there are some unsupported claims in the article that could be misleading if taken at face value without further research or evidence. For example, the author states that startups are “not directly tied to the stock market like public companies are” which may not be true depending on how much equity has been sold off and how much debt has been taken on by the company. Furthermore, while it is true that startups can offer more financial incentives than public companies, this is not always the case and readers should be aware of this before making any decisions about their career path. Finally, while joining a startup can provide an opportunity for career growth and development, it is important to note that this is not always guaranteed and there are no guarantees of success when joining any type of business venture. In conclusion, while this article provides some useful insights into why one might consider joining a startup in 2023, readers should take these points with caution and do their own research before making any decisions about their career path.