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Article summary:

1. Sam Altman, co-founder of OpenAI, thinks that ChatGPT is a terrible product and not fully-featured enough. He acknowledges that the website often has error messages and does not work properly at times.

2. Despite its flaws, people still enjoy using ChatGPT and find value in it. Altman believes that the technology behind ChatGPT has been accumulated for many years and can be fine-tuned to make it more useful.

3. Some experts in the industry have raised concerns about ChatGPT's limitations, such as its lack of concept of facts and potential for synthesizing false information. The integrity of the product is also important to consider before launching it to the public.

Article analysis:

本文对OpenAI的ChatGPT进行了批评,但是其批评存在一些偏见和片面报道。首先,文章没有提供足够的证据来支持Sam Altman的观点。他认为ChatGPT是一个糟糕的产品,但并没有详细说明其缺陷和问题所在。此外,他的观点可能受到OpenAI自身利益的影响,因为OpenAI正在开发更高级别的人工智能技术。



