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Article summary:

1. In 2018, scientist He Jiankui shocked the world by announcing he had edited the genes of twin girls before birth.

2. He has now said he moved “too quickly” and declined to express regret or apologize for his actions.

3. He is now attempting to relaunch his career with a new lab in Beijing and talks at universities and conferences this year.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable, as it provides an accurate account of the events that occurred in 2018 when scientist He Jiankui announced he had edited the genes of twin girls before birth. The article also provides a detailed overview of He's current activities, including his plans to relaunch his career with a new lab in Beijing and talks at universities and conferences this year.

However, there are some potential biases present in the article which should be noted. For example, while the article does provide an overview of the ethical concerns surrounding gene-editing embryos, it does not explore any potential benefits or advantages that could come from such a procedure. Additionally, while the article mentions that He was found guilty of “illegal medical practices” and sentenced to three years in prison, it does not provide any details about where he served his sentence or what his experience was like during this time.

Furthermore, while the article does mention that there were concerning evidence of “off-target” effects associated with gene editing, it does not provide any further information about these effects or how they could potentially impact those who have been gene-edited. Additionally, while the article mentions that He claims to have maintained contact with the twins' family, it does not provide any further information about what kind of contact he has had with them or if he is involved in their clinical follow-up in any way.

Finally, while the article mentions Hwang Woo-suk as an example of someone who returned to scientific research after being embroiled in scandal, it fails to mention any other examples which could be used for comparison purposes. This lack of comparison makes it difficult to assess whether He will be able to successfully relaunch his career after being involved in such a controversial event.