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Article summary:

1. Electronic visits (e-visits) have enabled virtual care delivery as an alternative to traditional office visits for selected non-urgent medical issues.

2. This paper presents an analytical modeling framework to study primary care delivery with e-visits, and investigates the criteria and operations that could improve patient access to primary care.

3. The results quantify the relationship between physicians’ panel size and e-visit operating variables, and establish a simple criterion for favoring e-visit implementation based on the percentage of e-visit patients being referred back to office visits.

Article analysis:

The article “The Impact of E-Visits on Patient Access to Primary Care” is a well written and comprehensive overview of the potential benefits of electronic visits (e-visits). The authors provide a thorough review of the literature related to this topic, as well as an analytical modeling framework which they use to investigate how e-visits can improve patient access to primary care. The authors also present their findings in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for readers to understand their conclusions.

The article does not appear to be biased or one sided in its reporting, as it provides both positive and negative perspectives on the potential impact of e-visits on patient access to primary care. Furthermore, all claims made by the authors are supported by evidence from relevant studies or data collected from Dean East Clinic. However, there are some points that could have been explored further such as possible risks associated with using e-visits instead of traditional office visits, or how different types of patients may respond differently when offered e-visits instead of office visits. Additionally, while the authors do mention potential cost savings associated with using e-visits instead of office visits, they do not provide any concrete evidence or data regarding this point.

In conclusion, this article is overall reliable and trustworthy due its comprehensive coverage of relevant topics related to electronic visits (e-visits), its lack of bias or one sided reporting, and its support for all claims made by the authors through evidence from relevant studies or data collected from Dean East Clinic. However, there are some points that could have been explored further such as possible risks associated with using e-visits instead of traditional office visits or how different types of patients may respond differently when offered e-visits instead of office visits.