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Article summary:

1. This study aimed to translate movement patterns, technical skills and tactical actions associated with high-intensity efforts into metrics that could potentially be used to construct position-specific conditioning drills.

2. Data from 20 individual English Premier League players was analysed using a novel High Intensity Movement Programme across five positions.

3. The data demonstrated unique high-intensity trends in and out of possession that could assist practitioners when devising position-specific drills.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides detailed information on the research conducted and the results obtained from it. The authors have provided sufficient evidence for their claims, including data from 20 individual English Premier League players which was analysed using a novel High Intensity Movement Programme across five positions. Furthermore, the authors have provided clear explanations of their methodology and results, making it easy to understand the findings of the study.

However, there are some potential biases in the article which should be noted. Firstly, the sample size used in this study is relatively small (20 players), which may not be representative of all elite soccer players or teams. Additionally, only one team was studied (Newcastle United Football Club), so it is unclear whether these results can be generalised to other teams or leagues. Finally, there is no discussion of any potential risks associated with implementing these training drills, such as injury or fatigue risk due to overtraining.