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Article summary:

1. Chromium isotope data from Early Cambrian black shale-hosted Mo-Ni and V mineralization on the rifted margin of the Yangtze Platform in China suggests a metal source with ultimate metal supply by oxidative weathering of continental crust.

2. The extreme metal enrichment of the Mo-Ni sulfide-rich black shale can be understood as a combination of redox cycling and bottom-water/sediment-interface scavenging under euxinic conditions, and oxidation (remineralization) of organic matter settling from the photic zone, with sulfide fixation of Ni and other biophile elements under denitrifying and sulfate-reducing conditions.

3. High biological activity, very low clastic accumulation rate, and low organic matter deposition in stratified oxic-suboxic-euxinic basins are requirements for advanced metal enrichment in black shales.

Article analysis:

The article “Early Cambrian Black Shale-Hosted Mo-Ni and V Mineralization on the Rifted Margin of the Yangtze Platform, China: Reconnaissance Chromium Isotope Data and a Refined Metallogenic Model” is an informative piece that provides insight into the origin of extreme metal enrichment in some Early Cambrian sulfide-rich black shale units on the Yangtze platform. The authors present chromium isotope data which helps to further characterize and trace the metal source of these peculiar polymetallic black shales. They also present a refined metallogenic model for this type of mineralization which not only occurs along the Early Cambrian continental margin of the Yangtze platform but also has an equivalent in Late Devonian continental margin of western North America.

The article is well written with clear explanations that are supported by evidence from previous studies as well as new data presented by the authors themselves. The authors provide detailed descriptions about their research methods, results, interpretations, and conclusions which make it easy to follow their arguments. Furthermore, they provide counterarguments to opposing concepts such as hydrothermal seafloor venting versus scavenging from seawater with very little dilution by clastic input which adds to its credibility.

The article does not appear to have any biases or one sided reporting as it presents both sides equally while providing evidence for each argument made throughout its entirety. It does not contain any promotional content or partiality either as it focuses solely on presenting facts without any