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Article summary:

1. Skore Blog provides an overview of process map alternatives to flowcharts.

2. Skore offers powerfully simple software, accelerator services, and a friendly and experienced team.

3. The blog also provides resources such as a process mapping guide, Skore manual, newsletter, news, blog posts, SKRUM training, and partners.

Article analysis:

The article on Process Map Alternatives to Flowcharts from the Skore Blog is generally trustworthy and reliable. It provides an overview of the different process map alternatives to flowcharts that are available through Skore's software and services. The article is well-written and easy to understand with clear explanations of the various options available. Additionally, it includes helpful resources such as a process mapping guide, Skore manual, newsletter, news articles, blog posts, SKRUM training materials, and partners that can help users get started with their process maps.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided in its reporting; it simply presents the different options available through Skore's software and services without making any unsupported claims or missing points of consideration. Furthermore, there is no promotional content included in the article; instead it focuses on providing useful information about the different process map alternatives available through Skore's products and services.

In conclusion, this article from the Skore Blog is generally trustworthy and reliable in its presentation of process map alternatives to flowcharts available through Skore's software and services.