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Article summary:

1. The recovery of metals from high-grade WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) was modeled using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

2. The pre-treatment of WEEE included manual sorting, shredding, magnetic sorting, Eddy-current sorting, air classification and optical sorting.

3. The resource recovery per tonne of high-grade WEEE ranged from 2 g of palladium to 386 kg of iron.

Article analysis:

The article “Metal Recovery from High-Grade WEEE: A Life Cycle Assessment” is a well-researched and comprehensive study on the environmental benefits of recovering metals from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). The authors have provided detailed information on the pre-treatment processes involved in metal recovery as well as the metallurgical treatment facility used for this purpose. They have also quantified the environmental savings associated with metal recovery from WEEE in terms of person-equivalents.

The article is reliable and trustworthy in its presentation of data and findings. It provides a balanced view on the potential environmental benefits associated with metal recovery from WEEE, while also noting that some burdens associated with mining and refining ore are not taken into account in their model due to lack of adequate data. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of reducing apparent losses of precious metals during pre-treatment processes.

The article does not present any biases or one-sided reporting, nor does it contain any unsupported claims or promotional content. All claims made are supported by evidence presented in the article itself or referenced sources such as Ecoinvent [10]. Additionally, all points of consideration are explored thoroughly and counterarguments are discussed where appropriate. Possible risks associated with metal recovery from WEEE are noted throughout the article, while both sides are presented equally without partiality or favouritism towards either side.

In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy in its presentation of data and findings related to metal recovery from high grade WEEE.