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Article summary:

1. Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma criticized the Congress party for its policy towards Manipur and claimed that the state became the blockade capital of the country under the UPA government led by Manmohan Singh.

2. Sarma highlighted that during the Congress rule from 2010-2017, Manipur experienced blockades ranging from 30 to 139 days each year, leading to a humanitarian crisis with skyrocketing prices of essential commodities.

3. Sarma credited Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership for reducing ethnic conflicts in Manipur and claimed that there has been significant healing of Manipur's social fabric since 2014.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Manipur: Manipur was blockade capital under Manmohan Singh, state healing due to PM Modi: Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma" published in the Times of India discusses the political situation in Manipur and criticizes the Congress party for its handling of the state during their tenure. However, a critical analysis of the article reveals several potential biases and shortcomings.

Firstly, the article heavily relies on statements made by Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, who is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). This raises concerns about potential bias and one-sided reporting. The article does not provide any counterarguments or perspectives from other political parties or stakeholders in Manipur.

Secondly, while Sarma blames the Congress-led UPA government for turning Manipur into the "blockade capital," there is no mention of any specific policies or actions taken by that government that led to this situation. The article lacks evidence to support these claims and fails to provide a comprehensive analysis of the complex factors contributing to blockades in Manipur.

Furthermore, the article presents Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a savior for Manipur, claiming that his leadership has led to a reduction in blockades and improved social fabric. However, there is no substantial evidence provided to support these claims. It is important to note that socio-political issues cannot be attributed solely to one leader or party's actions.

The article also fails to address other significant issues affecting Manipur, such as insurgency problems, human rights violations, and ethnic conflicts. These factors play a crucial role in understanding the challenges faced by the state and should be considered when analyzing its political situation.

Additionally, there is a lack of context regarding recent incidents in Manipur, such as the viral video showing two women being paraded naked. While condemning this incident, Sarma dismisses it as an isolated event without addressing broader issues of violence against women in the state. This omission undermines the seriousness of the problem and fails to provide a comprehensive analysis.

Overall, the article appears to have a promotional tone towards the BJP and Prime Minister Modi while criticizing the Congress party. It lacks balanced reporting, fails to provide sufficient evidence for its claims, and overlooks important aspects of Manipur's political situation. A more comprehensive analysis would require considering multiple perspectives, addressing underlying issues, and providing evidence-based arguments.