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Article summary:

1. Canadian Supreme Court Justice Russell Brown is on paid leave while an investigation looks into a physical altercation at an Arizona hotel.

2. A US Marine Corps veteran claimed that Justice Brown engaged in the "unwanted touching" of a female guest at the resort that month and later punched Mr Brown "a few times" during an argument.

3. Mr Brown has denied the claims and called the account "demonstrably false".

Article analysis:

The article "Canadian Supreme Court judge on leave after Arizona resort altercation" by BBC News reports on an alleged physical altercation involving Canadian Supreme Court Justice Russell Brown at a luxury resort in Arizona. The incident reportedly occurred in January, and a US Marine Corps veteran claimed that Justice Brown engaged in unwanted touching of a female guest at the resort before being punched by the veteran during an argument. Justice Brown has denied the claims and called the account "demonstrably false."

The article presents differing accounts of the incident, with one witness claiming that Justice Brown was harassing his female friend and another witness stating that he did not speak or engage with the group. However, the article does not provide any evidence to support either account or explore potential counterarguments.

One-sided reporting is evident in the article's focus on Justice Brown's alleged conduct without providing equal attention to his denial of the claims. Additionally, there is no mention of any potential risks or consequences for Justice Brown if the allegations are found to be true.

The article also includes promotional content for the luxury resort where the incident occurred, mentioning its name and describing it as a "luxury Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia." This information is irrelevant to the story and could be seen as biased towards promoting tourism.

Overall, while the article provides some details about the alleged altercation involving Justice Brown, it lacks balanced reporting and evidence to support its claims.