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Article summary:

1. The phase behaviour of a ternary system composed of cationic gemini surfactant, nonionic surfactant and H2O was studied and its phase diagram was determined.

2. With an increase in the Brij-30 content or temperature, one-dimensional micellar growth occurred, and a maximum appeared in the zero-shear viscosity versus Brij-30 content or temperature curves.

3. Various techniques were used to study the phase-transition processes occurring in this system, including cryogenic transmission electron microscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering measurements, and differential scanning calorimetry.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed information about the phase behaviour of a ternary system composed of cationic gemini surfactant, nonionic surfactant and H2O. It also provides evidence for its claims by using various techniques such as cryogenic transmission electron microscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering measurements, and differential scanning calorimetry to study the phase transition processes occurring in this system. Furthermore, it presents both sides equally by providing evidence for its claims as well as exploring counterarguments. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted such as partiality towards certain results or conclusions which may be due to the authors’ own research interests or preferences. Additionally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with this research which should be noted for future studies.