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Article summary:

1. The “one village (community) one legal consultant” model of legal service provision is gradually being established in rural areas, but its actual effectiveness is not satisfactory.

2. The lack of enthusiasm from the core legal consultants has led to the provision of legal services falling on non-professional members of the village committee, which has had a negative impact on the effectiveness of legal services.

3. It is necessary to adjust the spatial settings and increase legal publicity in order to improve the influence of rural legal services in resolving disputes among villagers.

Article analysis:

The article titled “Research on Problems and Countermeasures of Rural Legal Services - Taking M District in Jilin Province as an Example” is generally reliable and trustworthy. The author provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of rural legal services, including their challenges and potential solutions. The article also cites 11 relevant references to support its claims, demonstrating that it is based on sound research and evidence. Furthermore, the article does not appear to be biased or partial towards any particular point of view; instead, it presents both sides equally and objectively.

However, there are some points that could be improved upon in terms of trustworthiness and reliability. For example, while the article does provide potential solutions for improving rural legal services, it does not discuss any possible risks associated with these solutions or how they might be mitigated. Additionally, while 11 references are cited throughout the article, none are provided for certain key points such as those related to work enthusiasm among core legal consultants or how spatial settings can be adjusted to improve rural legal services’ influence over dispute resolution among villagers. As such, providing additional evidence for these points would help strengthen the trustworthiness and reliability of this article even further.