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Article summary:

1. The emergence of urban design at Harvard in the 1950s and the Team 10 challenge to CIAM are usually seen as separate phenomena, but they are actually intertwined.

2. Eric Mumford examines how urban design developed out of CIAM in the mid-1950s, with Jose Luis Sert advocating for replanning metropolitan regions based on the principle of the “neighborhood unit” and a new focus on pedestrian urban “cores”.

3. Sert and Sigfried Giedion introduced the phrase “urban design” to Harvard and the general public in 1953, with Sert arguing that cities should be reorganized to better serve the needs of working classes while also emphasizing the importance of pedestrian places for social and political assembly.

Article analysis:

The article by Eric Mumford titled "The Emergence of Urban Design in the Breakup of CIAM" is an informative piece that provides insight into how urban design emerged from CIAM in mid-1950s. The article is well-researched and provides a comprehensive overview of how Jose Luis Sert's ideas about urbanism evolved over time, from his involvement with GATCPAC in Barcelona to his later advocacy for replanning metropolitan regions based on the principle of neighborhood units. The article also discusses how Sert and Sigfried Giedion introduced the phrase "urban design" to Harvard and the general public in 1953, which was a major step towards establishing urban design as a discipline.

In terms of trustworthiness and reliability, this article is generally reliable as it provides accurate information about its subject matter. It is written from an objective point of view without any bias or partiality towards either side, presenting both sides equally without promoting one over another. Furthermore, it does not make any unsupported claims or omit any points of consideration; instead it provides evidence for all its claims made throughout its text. Additionally, it does not present any promotional content or unexplored counterarguments; instead it explores all possible counterarguments thoroughly before making its conclusions. Therefore, this article can be considered trustworthy and reliable overall.