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Article summary:

1. This paper proposes a framework to cultivate an information security culture within an organisation and illustrates how to use it.

2. An empirical study is performed to validate the proposed Information Security Culture Framework.

3. The authors are experienced in the field of information security, risk management and auditing, and have published extensively in accredited international subject journals.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the current research on information security culture and proposes a framework for cultivating an information security culture within an organisation. The authors are experienced in the field of information security, risk management and auditing, and have published extensively in accredited international subject journals. This lends credibility to their claims and suggests that their proposed framework is based on sound research.

The article does not present any counterarguments or explore any potential risks associated with implementing the proposed framework, which could be seen as a limitation of the article. Additionally, there is no discussion of possible biases or sources of bias that could affect the results of the empirical study used to validate the proposed framework.

In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive overview of current research on information security culture and presents a valid framework for cultivating an information security culture within an organisation. However, it does not explore any potential risks associated with implementing this framework or discuss possible sources of bias that could affect its results.