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Article summary:

1. This article explores the role of the fat researcher in fat studies research, and how their experiences as a fat person can inform their research.

2. The author unpacks the implications of her experience with health care professionals in her own research on the way in which fatness acts as a barrier to accessing health care.

3. The article discusses Letherby and Stanley’s work on the auto/biographical ‘I’ and how it relates to the role of the fat researcher in fat studies research.

Article analysis:

This article is written from an academic perspective, providing an analysis of the role of a fat researcher in health care spaces. The author provides an overview of her own experiences as a fat woman interacting with health care professionals, and how this informs her research into institutionalized fatphobia in medicine. She also discusses Letherby and Stanley’s work on auto/biographical ‘I’, which provides further insight into her position as a researcher.

The article is well-written and provides an interesting perspective on the role of a fat researcher in health care spaces. It is clear that the author has conducted extensive research into this topic, and she presents her findings in an unbiased manner. There are no obvious biases or unsupported claims present in this article, nor any missing points of consideration or evidence for claims made. All counterarguments are explored thoroughly, and both sides are presented equally throughout the text. Furthermore, there is no promotional content present, nor any partiality towards one side or another. Finally, possible risks associated with being a fat researcher are noted throughout the text, making this article trustworthy and reliable overall.