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Article summary:

1. To learn English quickly, it is important to have a good understanding of vocabulary and grammar.

2. Listening to English songs, reading English magazines and newspapers, watching English videos, and communicating with foreign friends can help improve one's English skills.

3. Taking an English course from a reputable training institution can also be beneficial in learning the language quickly.

Article analysis:

The article provides useful advice on how to learn English quickly, such as familiarizing oneself with vocabulary and grammar, listening to English songs, reading magazines and newspapers in English, watching videos in the language, and communicating with foreign friends. The article is generally reliable as it provides practical tips that are backed up by evidence from research studies. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the article does not mention any potential risks associated with taking an online or offline course from a training institution; this could lead readers to believe that taking such courses is always beneficial without considering any possible drawbacks or risks involved. Additionally, the article does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides of the argument equally; instead it focuses solely on the benefits of taking an English course from a reputable training institution without providing any evidence for its claims or exploring other alternatives for learning the language quickly. Furthermore, there is no indication of who wrote the article or what their qualifications are; this could lead readers to question its trustworthiness and reliability.