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Article summary:

1. Plato's concept of democracy is different from the present day understanding of democracy.

2. Plato believed that only philosopher kings were entitled to rule a society and ordinary people were perceived as barbaric and not worthy of governing.

3. Plato's argumentation against democracy can be applied to present day democracies, but there is a need for regulation within the rule of law in a democratic society.

Article analysis:

The article "Plato's idea of democracy" provides a brief overview of Plato's concept of democracy and his criticism towards it. The author argues that Plato's perception of democracy was shaped by his aristocratic background, which led him to believe that only philosopher kings were entitled to rule a society. The author also highlights Plato's concerns about the potential chaos and instability in a democratic society, as well as the risk of tyranny.

While the article provides some insights into Plato's ideas, it is important to note that it presents a one-sided view of democracy. The author does not explore the potential benefits of democracy, such as individual freedoms and equal representation. Additionally, the article does not provide any evidence or examples to support its claims about contemporary democracies being at risk of anarchy and tyranny.

Furthermore, the article may be biased towards an elitist perspective on governance, as it suggests that only certain individuals are capable of ruling a society effectively. This perspective ignores the importance of diverse perspectives and experiences in shaping policies that benefit all members of society.

Overall, while the article provides some interesting insights into Plato's ideas about democracy, it is important to approach its arguments critically and consider alternative perspectives on governance.