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Article summary:

1. The need for a preexisting communications network or infrastructure within the social base of a movement is a primary prerequisite for "spontaneous" activity.

2. Not just any communications network will do. It must be a network that is cooptable to the ideas of the incipient movement.

3. Organizations are less likely to create social movements than be created by them, and coordination of a movement requires the creation of a new organization.

Article analysis:

The article "On the Origins of Social Movements" by Jo Freeman provides an insightful analysis of the factors that contribute to the formation and success of social movements. However, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration in the article.

One potential bias is that the article focuses primarily on movements in the United States, which limits its applicability to other contexts. Additionally, while the article acknowledges that not all segments of society are represented in social movements, it does not fully explore how this exclusion can limit a movement's effectiveness or perpetuate inequality.

The article also makes unsupported claims about the importance of preexisting communications networks for successful movement formation. While such networks may be helpful, they are not necessarily a primary prerequisite for spontaneous activity. The article also overlooks the role of external factors such as media coverage or government repression in shaping movement outcomes.

Furthermore, while the article highlights the importance of cooptable communications networks for successful movement formation, it does not fully explore how these networks can reinforce existing power structures or exclude marginalized groups. Similarly, while the article notes that organizing efforts may be necessary if a communications network is not well-formed, it does not fully consider how these efforts can be influenced by factors such as race, class, or gender.

Overall, while "On the Origins of Social Movements" provides valuable insights into movement formation and development, it could benefit from a more nuanced exploration of power dynamics and structural inequalities within social movements.