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Article summary:

1. TikTok has 1 billion active users as of October 2021, with a growing demographic of 30-39 year old females.

2. Brands in the info-product and ecommerce space tend to perform well with TikTok advertising, and competitor research can be done using tools like TikTok Creative Center and BigSpy.

3. TikTok offers various ad types such as In-feed Ads, Spark Ads, Brand Takeover Ads, TopView Ads, Branded Hashtag Challenge Ads, and Branded Effects Ads, with varying costs depending on the type and duration of the ad.

Article analysis:

The article "How To Get Started with TikTok Advertising in 2023" by Linx Digital provides a comprehensive guide to advertising on TikTok, covering topics such as demographics, ad types, and costs. However, the article has some potential biases and missing points of consideration that need to be addressed.

One potential bias is the focus on the positive aspects of TikTok advertising without mentioning any possible risks or downsides. For example, while the article mentions that TikTok has one billion active users and is one of the fastest-growing social channels, it does not discuss any potential issues with user privacy or content moderation. Additionally, the article emphasizes the low cost per click for TikTok ads compared to other platforms but does not mention any potential drawbacks or limitations of this pricing model.

Another issue with the article is its one-sided reporting on which niches work well with TikTok advertising. While it suggests that info-product and e-commerce brands tend to perform well on TikTok, it does not provide any evidence or data to support this claim. Moreover, it fails to consider other industries that may also benefit from advertising on TikTok.

The article also lacks evidence for some of its claims. For instance, it states that Spark Ads tend to convert better than In-Feed Ads but does not provide any data or research to back up this assertion. Similarly, it suggests that Branded Hashtag Challenges result in greater engagement but does not provide any statistics or case studies to support this claim.

Furthermore, the article misses some important points of consideration when discussing ad types. For example, while it notes that Brand Takeover ads are exclusive to their category and can only be seen once per day by users, it does not mention how this limitation could affect ad performance or ROI. Additionally, while it highlights the benefits of TopView ads such as full-screen display and auto-play with sound, it fails to acknowledge how these features could potentially annoy or disrupt users.

Overall, while the article provides a useful overview of TikTok advertising, it has some potential biases and missing points of consideration that readers should be aware of. It is important to conduct further research and analysis before making any decisions about advertising on TikTok or any other platform.