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Article summary:

1. Storytelling and strategy are not incompatible - stories can be used to bridge the gap between arguments and actions, intentions and results.

2. Stories have evolutionary value as they can transmit information without depending on direct experience.

3. Companies must harness the power of story in their strategies to create something new and valuable through imagination and action.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable, providing evidence for its claims with examples from real-world cases such as the Wildlife Conservation Society's successful campaign to save elephants. The article also provides a balanced view of storytelling in business strategy, noting both its potential benefits and limitations. The author also acknowledges that humans are not fully rational actors, motivated by facts and logic alone, which is supported by research from behavioral economics.

The only potential bias in the article is that it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative views on using storytelling in business strategy. It could be argued that stories may be too simplistic or abstract to effectively communicate complex strategies, or that they may oversimplify important details or nuances of a strategy. However, these points are not explored in the article.