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Article summary:

1. Determine your risk tolerance by taking online tests to understand if you are conservative, moderate, or aggressive in your investment approach.

2. The risk profiles are characterized as conservative (4-9 points), moderate (10-16 points), and aggressive (17-20 points) based on the test results.

3. Once you have identified your risk profile, you can make informed decisions on how to invest during a crisis by taking a course on investing in a crisis offered by BCS World of Investments.

Article analysis:

The article provides a basic overview of risk tolerance and how it can be measured through online tests. It categorizes individuals into three risk profiles: conservative, moderate, and aggressive, based on their responses to a set of questions. While this information can be helpful for individuals looking to understand their own risk aversion, there are several issues with the article that need to be addressed.

Firstly, the article does not provide any information about the validity or reliability of the online tests used to measure risk tolerance. It is important to note that these tests may not always accurately reflect an individual's true risk profile and should be taken with caution.

Secondly, the article presents a biased view towards more aggressive investment strategies, such as investing in high-risk instruments and trading with leverage. It fails to mention the potential downsides and risks associated with these strategies, such as higher volatility and potential losses. This bias towards aggressive investing could potentially lead readers to take on more risk than they are comfortable with.

Additionally, the article lacks depth in discussing other factors that can influence an individual's risk tolerance, such as financial goals, time horizon, and personal circumstances. Risk tolerance is a complex concept that cannot be fully captured by a simple questionnaire.

Furthermore, the article includes promotional content for a course on investing during a crisis without providing any evidence or justification for why readers should take this course. This raises questions about the objectivity of the information presented in the article.

Overall, while the article provides some basic information on risk tolerance and investment profiles, it lacks depth, objectivity, and critical analysis. Readers should approach the information presented with caution and seek additional sources of information before making any investment decisions.