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Source: pm.yuntsg.com
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Article summary:

1. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

2. Mutations in the human filaggrin gene (FLG) are the most significant and well-replicated genetic mutation associated with AD, and other mutations associated with epidermal barriers such as SPINK5, FLG-2, SPRR3, and CLDN1 have all been linked to AD.

3. Increasing evidences show the modern lifestyle (i.e., the hygiene hypothesis, Western diet) and other environmental factors such as pollution and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) lead to the increasing prevalence of AD with the development of industrialization.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting on atopic dermatitis (AD). It provides an overview of the genetics and epigenetics of AD, including mutations in genes associated with epidermal barriers such as FLG, SPINK5, FLG-2, SPRR3, and CLDN1; variants that contribute to abnormal innate and adaptive responses; 19 susceptibility loci identified by GWAS and Immunochip analysis; roles for epidermal barrier functions, innate and adaptive immunity, interleukin-1 family signaling, regulatory T cells, vitamin D pathway genes; nerve growth factor pathway; modern lifestyle factors such as hygiene hypothesis or Western diet; environmental factors such as pollution or ETS; epigenetic alterations in response to these environmental factors including DNA methylation or microRNA related to immune system or skin barriers. The article also provides references for further reading on each topic discussed.

The only potential bias noted is that it does not provide any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on any of the topics discussed. It would be beneficial if there were some discussion of possible risks associated with certain treatments or interventions mentioned in the article. Additionally, it would be helpful if both sides of an argument were presented equally when discussing controversial topics such as hygiene hypothesis or Western diet.