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Article summary:

1. To animate a 3D model, you need a powerful computer with a dedicated graphics card, potent processor, sufficient memory, and storage capacity.

2. There are several software options for animating 3D models, including Autodesk Maya, Blender, and Dragonframe.

3. Pre-production planning and asset gathering are important steps before starting to animate, and enrolling in a digital art and animation program at a creative arts college can provide the necessary training and tools.

Article analysis:

The article titled "How Do You Animate a 3D Model?" provides a comprehensive guide on how to animate 3D models, including the necessary hardware and software requirements, the best software for animation, pre-production and asset gathering, and bringing your dream to life. While the article offers valuable insights into the world of 3D animation, it also has some potential biases and missing points of consideration.

One-sided Reporting

The article presents only one perspective on how to animate a 3D model. It does not explore alternative methods or approaches that may be equally effective or more suitable for certain individuals. For example, while the article recommends enrolling in a digital art and animation program at a creative arts college to learn 3D modeling, it does not mention online courses or self-learning resources that may be more accessible or affordable for some people.

Promotional Content

The article promotes University of Silicon Valley's Digital Arts & Animation degree program as the best way to learn 3D modeling. While this may be true for some individuals, it is important to note that there are many other reputable institutions and programs that offer similar training. The promotional content may also suggest a bias towards University of Silicon Valley's offerings.

Missing Evidence

The article makes several claims about the hardware and software requirements for animating 3D models without providing evidence or sources to support them. For example, it states that a graphics card with at least 2 gigs of RAM is necessary but does not explain why or provide any data to back up this claim.

Unexplored Counterarguments

The article does not address potential counterarguments or challenges that individuals may face when trying to animate 3D models. For example, it does not discuss the steep learning curve associated with advanced animation software like Maya or Blender or the high cost of purchasing these programs.


The article focuses primarily on the technical aspects of animating 3D models and does not delve into other important considerations such as storytelling, character development, and audience engagement. This partiality may limit readers' understanding of what it takes to create compelling animations beyond just technical proficiency.

In conclusion, while "How Do You Animate a 3D Model?" provides useful information on how to get started with animating 3D models, it also has some potential biases and missing points of consideration. Readers should approach the article critically and seek out additional sources before making any decisions about their own path towards learning 3D animation.