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Article summary:

1. Natural zeolites are crystalline hydrated aluminosilicates with a framework structure containing pores occupied by water, alkali and alkaline earth cations.

2. Natural zeolites have been widely used as adsorbents in separation and purification processes due to their high cation-exchange ability and molecular sieve properties.

3. Modification of natural zeolites can be done in several methods such as acid treatment, ion exchange, and surfactant functionalisation, making the modified zeolites achieving higher adsorption capacity for organics and anions.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy. It provides a comprehensive overview of the use of natural zeolites as effective adsorbents in water and wastewater treatment, discussing their properties, modification methods, and potential applications. The article is well-researched and supported by evidence from various sources. It also presents both sides of the argument equally without any bias or partiality towards one side or another.

The only potential issue with the article is that it does not explore any possible risks associated with using natural zeolites as adsorbents in water and wastewater treatment. This could be addressed by providing more information on potential risks such as environmental contamination or health hazards associated with using these materials for this purpose.