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Article summary:

1. The term 'neoliberalism' was first used in 1938 at a scientific conference in Paris, but no one has ever claimed to be a neoliberal.

2. Neoliberals believe that the government should act as a market regulator, not by limiting the market but by tackling monopolies and cartels.

3. The criticism of neoliberalism is often misguided, as it is often equated with pro-business policies when in fact it is pro-market policies that are beneficial to consumers.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the history and development of neoliberalism, from its origins in the 1930s to its current status as a political buzzword. The author does an adequate job of providing context for the discussion, though there are some points that could have been explored further or presented more clearly.

For example, while the author mentions Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher as "neoliberals pur sang," they are not actually mentioned by name until much later in the article; this could lead readers unfamiliar with these figures to become confused about who they are and why they are important to the discussion. Additionally, while the author does provide some examples of neoliberal policies (such as privatization), there could have been more detail provided about how these policies were implemented and what their effects were.

The article also presents some claims without evidence or supporting arguments; for example, when discussing Harrie Verbon's disagreement with Mellink and Oudenampsen's conclusions about neoliberalism in the Netherlands, no evidence is provided for Verbon's claim that "there is no evidence of 'the dominant influence of the neoliberal elite in Netherlands.'" This lack of evidence makes it difficult for readers to evaluate whether or not this claim is true.

In general, however, this article provides an informative overview of neoliberalism and its history without being overly biased or promotional. It does not present both sides equally (as there is only one side presented), but it does provide enough information for readers to form their own opinions on the subject matter.