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Article summary:

1. This study aims to create very high-resolution (VHR) bathymetry and habitat mapping in Mayotte island waters (Indian Ocean) by fusing 0.5 m Pleiades-1 passive multispectral imagery and active ICESat-2 LiDAR bathymetry.

2. ICESat-2 provided bathymetry down to 15 m depth with a vertical accuracy of bathymetry estimates reaching 0.89 m, while the benthic habitats map produced using the maximum likelihood supervised classification provided an overall accuracy of 96.62%.

3. This study successfully produced a VHR DDM solely from satellite data, which could be used for a wide variety of marine research and management applications.

Article analysis:

This article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides detailed information on the methods used to produce very high-resolution (VHR) bathymetry and habitat mapping in Mayotte island waters (Indian Ocean). The authors provide evidence for their claims, such as the validation of the ICESat-2 georeferenced photons using the French naval hydrographic and oceanographic service Litto3D® dataset, as well as the overall accuracy of 96.62% for the benthic habitats map produced using the maximum likelihood supervised classification. Furthermore, they discuss potential limitations of their approach due to current satellite technology, such as spatial resolution constraints, and suggest possible solutions for higher accuracy digital models with future launches of higher spectral and spatial resolution satellites.

The only potential bias that could be identified in this article is that it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative approaches to producing VHR DDMs solely from satellite data other than those discussed by the authors themselves. However, this does not significantly detract from its trustworthiness or reliability since it is focused on presenting one particular approach rather than providing an exhaustive overview of all available options.