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Select menus | discord.js Guide
Source: discordjs.guide
Appears well balanced

Article summary:

1. Learn how to create and send select menus using discord.js

2. Understand how to receive select menus via collectors or the interactionCreate event

3. Discover how to update the message the select menu is attached to, deferring and updating the select menu's message, and setting min/max values

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive guide on how to use select menus with discord.js, covering topics such as building and sending select menus, receiving them via collectors or the interactionCreate event, updating the message they are attached to, deferring and updating the select menu's message, and setting min/max values. The article is well-structured and easy to follow, providing clear instructions on each step of the process.

The article appears to be reliable in terms of its content; it provides detailed explanations of each step of the process as well as code snippets for reference. The author also provides helpful tips throughout the article which can be useful for developers who are new to discord.js.

The article does not appear to have any biases or one-sided reporting; it presents all information in an unbiased manner without promoting any particular product or service. Furthermore, there are no unsupported claims made in the article; all claims are backed up by evidence from reliable sources such as official documentation from discord.js.

In conclusion, this article is trustworthy and reliable in terms of its content; it provides comprehensive instructions on how to use select menus with discord.js without any biases or unsupported claims being made.