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Article summary:

1. All user interfaces are made up of surfaces that require elevation to show users which elements are active.

2. Elevations should vary by the spread of their drop shadow, with low elevations having a core shadow only and high elevations having an increased blur and y-axis to create a wider spread.

3. Surface elevation is an effective technique to grab the user's attention and indicate what's active, but it should be used wisely and correctly to give users a sense of aesthetic and control over the interface.

Article analysis:

The article titled "How to Use Surface Elevation to Elevate Your Interface" by UX Movement provides a detailed explanation of how surface elevation can be used in user interfaces to indicate the active elements and grab users' attention. The article is well-written and informative, providing readers with clear examples and visuals to illustrate the concept.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that need to be considered. For instance, the article assumes that all user interfaces are a collection of surfaces, which may not always be the case. Some interfaces may have more complex designs that do not fit into this model.

Additionally, while the article provides clear guidelines for using different elevations to indicate the level of activity of an element, it does not explore any potential drawbacks or risks associated with this approach. For example, using too many high-elevation elements could make an interface look cluttered and overwhelming for users.

Furthermore, the article does not provide any evidence or research studies to support its claims about how users prefer subtle and realistic shadows. While this may be true in some cases, it is important to consider that user preferences can vary depending on factors such as cultural background and personal taste.

Another potential issue with the article is its focus on promoting a specific design approach rather than presenting both sides equally. While surface elevation can be an effective technique for indicating active elements in an interface, it is not necessarily the only or best approach for every design situation.

Overall, while the article provides useful insights into how surface elevation can be used in user interfaces, readers should approach it with a critical eye and consider other factors beyond just elevations when designing their interfaces.