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Article summary:

1. Conservation agriculture (CA) is proposed as a solution to agricultural problems in smallholder farming systems in the tropics, such as soil degradation and intensive labour requirements.

2. Zero-tillage has been widely adopted by farmers of different scale in North and South America, and is viewed as an attractive potential solution to reversing soil degradation and increasing land productivity in SSA.

3. The article questions the suitability of CA for smallholder farmers in SSA, considering constraints such as resources, land, labour, feed for livestock, manure for soil amendment, money to invest in external inputs, and lack of markets for produce.

Article analysis:

The article “Conservation Agriculture and Smallholder Farming in Africa: The Heretics’ View” provides an interesting perspective on the potential benefits of conservation agriculture (CA) for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The article acknowledges the potential benefits of CA but also raises important questions about its suitability for smallholder farmers given their resource constraints.

The article is generally well written and provides a balanced view on the issue. It presents both sides of the argument fairly and does not appear to be biased towards either side. It also acknowledges that while CA may offer great potential to address soil degradation issues, there are still many unanswered questions about its suitability for smallholder farmers given their resource constraints.

The article does not appear to have any major flaws or biases that would undermine its trustworthiness or reliability. However, it could be improved by providing more evidence to support its claims about the potential benefits of CA for smallholder farmers in SSA. Additionally, it could explore counterarguments more thoroughly and provide more detail on possible risks associated with implementing CA approaches.