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Article summary:

1. The 4E approach to cognition argues that cognition is not solely in the head, but also embodied, embedded, enacted, or extended by extra-cranial processes and structures.

2. The 4E paradigm draws on several precursors such as externalist accounts of truth, psychology of perception, and cultural artifacts.

3. The article critiques the revolutionary zeal that often attends the 4E paradigm and highlights foundational issues that are too easily ignored or dismissed by its protagonists.

Article analysis:

The article provides a critical review of the 4E approach to cognition, which argues that cognition is not solely located in the brain but is also embodied, embedded, enacted, or extended by extra-cranial processes and structures. The author reflects on two recent collections of essays on 4E cognition and assesses its strengths and weaknesses. While acknowledging the value of the 4E paradigm in making visible the preconditions of thought that are often invisible, the author also highlights some foundational issues with the paradigm that are too easily ignored or dismissed by its proponents.

One potential bias in the article is the author's skepticism towards the revolutionary zeal that sometimes attends 4E cognition writing. The author suggests that some authors engage in angsty ponderousness and politics passing itself off as science. This bias may stem from a preference for more empirical research and a suspicion of rhetorical appeals to readers.

The article also notes some missing points of consideration in 4E cognition, such as how it forestalls criticism by subtly discouraging questioning. The author suggests that there are foundational issues with 4E cognition that are too easily ignored or dismissed by its proponents, such as the hidden processing objection.

Overall, while acknowledging the value of 4E cognition in making visible preconditions of thought, this article provides a critical evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses. It highlights potential biases and missing points of consideration while suggesting areas for further exploration and critique.