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Article summary:

1. A group of illegal migrants, who entered the U.S. through the southern border, are refusing to leave their free NYC hotel rooms for a migrant shelter in Brooklyn, New York and are sleeping in the street to protest.

2. Democratic Mayor Eric Adams of New York City responded to the situation, affirming the new facilities were hospitable accommodations and stressing the dire need of state and government support amid the ongoing migrant crisis that is impacting the Big Apple.

3. The Brooklyn Cruise Terminal Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Center was scheduled to open after Mayor Adams said NYC reached "its breaking point."

Article analysis:

The article from Fox News titled “Illegal migrants refuse to leave NYC hotel for Brooklyn migrant relief center, sleep in the street” is generally reliable but has some potential biases that should be noted. The article does not present both sides equally as it focuses mainly on one side of the story – that of the illegal migrants who are protesting their relocation from a free NYC hotel room to a migrant shelter in Brooklyn. It also fails to explore any counterarguments or provide evidence for its claims made about the lack of heat and bathroom space at the new facility. Additionally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with allowing these illegal migrants into New York City or any discussion about how this influx may impact local residents or businesses. Furthermore, while it does mention Mayor Eric Adams' response to the situation, it does not provide any further context or detail about his views on immigration policy or how he plans to address this issue going forward. Finally, there is some promotional content included in this article as it mentions Greg Abbott's criticism of Biden's new border policy without providing any further information about what that policy entails or why Abbott disagrees with it. All in all, while this article provides an accurate account of what happened at Watson Hotel late Sunday night, readers should be aware of its potential biases when considering its trustworthiness and reliability.