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Article summary:

1. The article discusses a local electricity and carbon trading method for multi-energy microgrids, which can reduce energy procurement costs and lower carbon emissions.

2. The article proposes the use of two different blockchains, one for the electricity market and one for the carbon market, to record transaction data.

3. A notary mechanism-based cross-chain interaction method is proposed to realize value transfer between the two blockchains.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of a local electricity and carbon trading method for multi-energy microgrids that can reduce energy procurement costs and lower carbon emissions. The article presents a comprehensive discussion on the potential benefits of this approach, as well as its potential drawbacks. However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon in terms of trustworthiness and reliability.

First, while the article does provide some evidence to support its claims, it does not explore counterarguments or present both sides equally. For example, while it mentions that local electricity trading can provide economic and environmental benefits for microgrids, it does not discuss any potential risks associated with this approach such as increased complexity or cost of implementation. Additionally, while it mentions that introducing a carbon market can motivate microgrids to reduce their emissions, it does not discuss any potential unintended consequences such as increased costs or decreased efficiency due to additional regulations or taxes imposed by governments or other entities.

Second, there is also some promotional content in the article which could be seen as biased towards promoting this approach without providing an objective assessment of its merits and drawbacks. For example, while discussing existing research on electricity or carbon trading between entities, only studies that support this approach are mentioned without exploring any studies that may have found different results or raised concerns about certain aspects of this approach.

Finally, there is also some missing evidence for certain claims made in the article such as when discussing how blockchain technology can be used to establish a secure local electricity market; no evidence is provided to back up this claim beyond citing existing research papers on the topic which do not necessarily prove that blockchain technology is suitable for this purpose.

In conclusion, while the article provides an interesting overview of a local electricity and carbon trading method for multi-energy microgrids with potential benefits such as reducing energy procurement costs and lowering carbon emissions, there are still areas where more evidence could be provided to increase its trustworthiness and reliability such as exploring counterarguments more thoroughly and providing more evidence to back up certain claims made in the paper.