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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the implementation and evaluation of a case-based microbiology curriculum during daily microbiology rounds.

2. The vignettes have enhanced the value of microbiology rounds by serving as a formalized curriculum exposing trainees from multiple specialties to various microbiology topics.

3. Trainees attending rounds after implementation of the vignettes perceived the value of microbiology rounds to be significantly higher compared with those who attended rounds before implementation.

Article analysis:

The article is generally trustworthy and reliable, as it provides evidence for its claims in the form of survey results and statistical analysis. The authors also provide detailed information on the structure of their study, including the physical location, structure of microbiology rounds, and survey structure. Furthermore, they provide an example vignette for reference which helps readers understand how these vignettes are used in practice.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, all participants in the study were from Emory Healthcare, so it is possible that results may not be generalizable to other healthcare systems or settings. Additionally, only pathology residents and infectious disease fellows were surveyed about their experiences with the vignettes; other stakeholders such as laboratory personnel or medical students were not included in this survey which could lead to incomplete or biased results.

In addition, there is no discussion of potential risks associated with using case-based learning curricula such as increased workloads for faculty members or decreased time available for clinical care due to increased teaching responsibilities. This lack of discussion could lead readers to underestimate any potential risks associated with implementing such a curriculum in their own setting.

Finally, while the authors do discuss both positive and negative aspects of using case-based learning curricula in postgraduate medical education programs, they do not explore any counterarguments or alternative approaches that could be taken instead. This lack of exploration could lead readers to overestimate the effectiveness of this approach without considering any potential drawbacks or alternatives that may exist.