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Article summary:

1. Kotlin/Wasm is a huge step forward in providing WebAssembly first class support for Kotlin.

2. The upcoming WasmGC revolution will make WebAssembly a suitable target for garbage collected languages like Java, Kotlin or Dart.

3. The potential of Kotlin/Wasm can be explored for frontend development combined with a Spring Boot Kotlin/JVM backend and the WebAssembly Component Model and Warg package management system.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the potential of Kotlin/Wasm, but it does not provide any evidence to back up its claims about the advantages of using this technology over other options. It also fails to mention any potential risks associated with using this technology, such as security issues or compatibility problems with existing systems. Additionally, the article does not explore any counterarguments to its claims, nor does it present both sides of the argument equally. Furthermore, there is some promotional content in the article which could be seen as biased towards promoting the use of Kotlin/Wasm over other technologies. Finally, there are some unsupported claims made in the article which should have been backed up by evidence or further explanation.