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Article summary:

1. Digital artist Rhett Dashwood (AKA Mankind) used ChatGPT to create a meme cryptocurrency called $TURBO with a budget of $69 and no coding experience.

2. Despite a failed launch, the project was crowdfunded and has since gained a market cap of $50 million, with some holders claiming it has helped pay off house loans.

3. Mankind's experiment showcases the potential for unexpected innovation and good in the Web3 space, even amidst its reputation for fraud and shady actors.

Article analysis:

The article discusses the rise of $TURBO, a meme cryptocurrency created by digital artist Rhett Dashwood (AKA Mankind) using ChatGPT and a $69 budget. The article provides a detailed account of how Mankind used AI tools to create the coin, including coming up with a name, backstory, and logo. The article also highlights the success of $TURBO, which currently has a market cap of $50 million and has done over $26 million in volume in the last 24 hours alone.

While the article provides an interesting account of how Mankind used AI tools to create $TURBO, it is important to note that there are potential biases in the reporting. For example, the article focuses heavily on the success of $TURBO without providing much information about its potential risks or downsides. Additionally, while the article notes that NFT sales volumes are at 20-month lows and that Web3 is feeling the weight of a crypto winter, it does not explore these issues in depth or provide any counterarguments.

Furthermore, while the article notes that some holders in the project Discord have claimed to be able to pay off house loans due to $TURBO, it does not provide any evidence for these claims or explore potential risks associated with investing in meme cryptocurrencies. It is important for readers to approach such investments with caution and do their own research before investing.

Overall, while the article provides an interesting account of how Mankind used AI tools to create $TURBO and highlights its success, readers should approach such investments with caution and consider potential risks before investing.