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Article summary:

1. 本书介绍了第二语言学习动机的新范式——“可能自我”视角,强调个体内部与自我概念的认同。该理论基于L2学习者可以想象他们的语言学习潜力,即“理想的L2自我”。

2. 本书讨论了不同背景和不同学习环境下的学习者动机,并使用定量和定性方法进行研究。其他章节探讨了想象力和通过自我系统实现身份认同的概念。

3. 本书提出了一些对“可能自我”视角进一步研究的建议,如我们“自我的”独特性和稳定性、自我与情感之间的联系、理想和“应该”的自我之间的关系以及“L2自我系统”的普遍性。

Article analysis:

The first article, "Motivation, language identity and the L2 self," provides a comprehensive overview of the current paradigm shift in L2 motivation research. However, the book's focus on the "L2 Motivational Self System" may be limiting, as it does not fully consider other factors that may influence motivation. Additionally, while some authors do acknowledge potential limitations of this system, there is a lack of exploration into alternative perspectives.

The second article, "Language as commodity: global structures, local marketplaces," presents an interesting perspective on language policy and planning in various Asian countries. However, the editors' definition of language as a commodity may oversimplify complex issues surrounding language use and value. Furthermore, while the chapters do provide insight into government policies and individual agency in language planning, there is a lack of consideration for marginalized communities and their experiences with language commodification.

Overall, both articles could benefit from a more nuanced approach that considers multiple perspectives and acknowledges potential biases or limitations in their arguments.