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Article summary:

1. Digitization presents both opportunities and risks in international business: The article highlights that digitization has reshaped international business by providing global resources, reaching foreign customers, and improving operational efficiency. However, it also emphasizes the importance of not underestimating the associated risks.

2. Lack of focus on digitization-related risks in international business research: The article points out that previous research in international business has primarily focused on political, financial, and transactional risks, leaving digitization-related risks largely unaddressed. It suggests that scholars need to define and delineate these risks, including overdependence and cyber attacks.

3. The need for a unified approach to address digitization risks: The article argues for a unified lens that combines risks and capabilities in digitization while integrating mandates for both global compliance and local adaptation. It emphasizes the potential consequences of failure to address digitization threats for multinational enterprises (MNEs), which could result in significant damages to their global operations.

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